M: Welcome aboard the Orion Star. This is your captain, Peter Hurst. Before we start on our tour of Harrison Bay, 2please take note of the following. First, make sure that your life jacket is securely fastened around your chest at all times. Second, 3carefully read through the emergency evacuation procedures in the card underneath your seat. It’s for the safety of you and other passengers. Lastly, don’t lean over the railing around the boat. You could fall into the water if we were to suddenly rock. We are expecting smooth waters, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Now, if we can have your attention, 4our crew members will guide you through the operation of the lifeboat. |
aboard (배 • 기차 등에) 탑승한, 탄 take note of ~에 주목하다, 주의하다 securely 단단히, 확실하게 evacuation 대피, 피난 lean over 기대다, 몸을 기울이다 railing 난간 rock 흔들리다 better to be safe than sorry 나중에 후회하는 것보다 미리 조심하는 편이 좋다 lifeboat 구명보트, 구명정 | |