엄마의 영어/Summary2018. 2. 4. 01:07

#Language fluency doesn't happen overnight.


This book is about learning and teaching, and of course teaching is the facilitation of learning.

And a major step in learning how to facilitate is understanding the intricate web of principles that are spun

together to affect how and why people learn-or fail to learn-and L2.




Questions about SLA

             Learner Characteristics (ethinic,linguistic,and religious heritage, native language, levels,socioeconomic

                                            characteristics,intellectual capacities, abilities,strengths,weaknesses,personality..)

             Linguistic factors (what is language?,언어에 대한이해, 언어시스템에 대한이해)

             Learning Processes (학습이 어떻게 일어나는가? specific steps?mental or intellectual processes?

                                        strategies? mental,emotional,and physical prossesses?)

             Age and Acquisition

             Classroom Instruction (natural environments, instructed, methodological approaches,textbooks,

                                           materials,styles,teacher style, real world?...)

             Context (secon language context? foreign language? artificial environment? interculural contrasts


             Purpose (achievements of a successful career, identify closely with the culture?)



Rejoicing in our defeats


             Answers must be framed in a context that can vary from one learner to another, and from one moment

             to another.  -> "It depends"


             We can rejoice in our defeats because we know that it's the very elusiveness of the phenomenon of 

             SLA that makes the quest for answers so exciting.

             Our field of inquiry is no simple, unidimensional reality. It's "slippery" in every way.

             (As you consider the issues, chapter by chapter, you  will develop an integrated understanding of how

              people learn-and sometimes fail to learn-an L2)


             The understanding must be eclectic.

             No single theory or hypothesis will provide a magic formula for all learners in all contexts.

             You will be urged to be as critical as you can in considering the merit of various models and theories

             and research findings.

             You'll have to be a bit cautious: don't accept every claim as truth just because someone fervently

             asserts it to be factual.


             By the end of the final chapter, with this cautious, enlightened, eclectic approach, you'll no doubt

             surprise yourself on how many pieces of this giant puzzle you can actually put together.


             a paradigm -an interlocking design, a model, or a theory of SLA.




Since this book is about language, learning, and teaching, let's see what happens when we try to define those three terms.




Your understanding of the components of language determines to a large extent how you teach a language.


if you believe that nonverbal communication is a key to successful second language learning, you will devote some attention in your curriculum to nonverbal systems and cues.


If you perceive language as a phenomenon that can be dismantled into thousands of discrete pieces-such as grammar points-and those pieces programmatically taught one by one, you will atatend carefully to an understanding of the discrete forms of language.


if you think language is essentially culural and interactive, your classroom mothodology will be imbued with sociolinguistic strategies and communicative tasks.





A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is "acquiring knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction"


an educational psychologist would define learning even more succintly as " a change in an individual caused by experience"


Similary, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as " showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knolwege, causing to know or understand"


Learning is :

1. acquisition or "adding"

2. The retention of information or skills

3. The involvement of storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization

4. The application of active, conscious focus, and subconscious attention

5. Relatively permanent but subject to forgetting

6. The result of practice, perhaps reinforced practice

7. A change in behavior


These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the dscipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception, memory (storage) system, short-and long-term memory, recall, motivation, conscious and subconscious attention, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice.


Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language.

Yet the second language learner brings all these variables into play in the learning of a second language.


Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling a person to learn, and setting the conditions for learning,


Your understanding of how people learn will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, approach, lesson design, and classroom techniques.


If, Like B.F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly.


If you view second language learning as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present rules, lists, and charts to your students rather than let them "discover" those rules inductively.





Differning viewporints emerge from equally knowlegeable scholars, who usually differ over the extent to which one perspective is more accurate that another.


Yet with all the possible disagreements among applied lingusits and SLA researchers, some historical patterns emerge that highlight trends in the study of SLA. These trends will be described here in the form of three different perspectives, or schools of thought in the fields of linguistics and psychology.


1. Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology





Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

민: 여보 왜이렇게 일찍 일어났어?

성: 공부할게 있어서

민: 여보는 야근이 잦아서 주말에는 잠을 숙면하는게 좋을거 같아.

성: 내가 잘 조절할게


민: 여보, 나 아까 여보 조는거 봤어. 여보 진짜 피곤해보여

     낮잠이라도 자는거 어때?

성: 알겠어~ 한시간 뒤에 깨워줘

민: 여보 일어나. 여보 아까 순식간에 잠들고 코까지 골더라

성: 이젠 몸이 좀 개운해.







M: honey? Why do you wake up so early?

S:  'cause I have something to study.

M: You often work overtime during weekdays,

    so it is better to sleep a sound sleep on weekends!                                   

S: I think I can manage it. (=I can handle it!)



M: Honey, I saw you dozing off a while ago. You look so tired.

    Why don't you take a nap?

S: All right.... wake me up 1 hour later.

M: Wake up! honey~. You fell asleep quickly and then snored heavily in your sleep.

S:  I feel refreshed now.



오늘 다이얼로그는 잠과 관련되어서 만들어 보았어요. 여보 열심히 공부해

<잠과 관련된 표현 익히기!>

* sleep a sound sleep -숙면을 취하다.

  fall asleep quickly -바로 곯아 떨어지다

  doze off - 졸다

  snore heavily - 코를 심하게 골다

+ 잠과 관련된 추가표현도 알아두기! 

yawn -하품하다

talk in one's sleep -잠꼬대를 하다.

drool in one's sleep- 침을 흘리다.

sleep on one's side- 옆으로 누워자다.

Quiz!! :)

늦잠을 자다 sleep (  ) - 괄호안의 알맞은 전치사는? 답을 댓글로 달아놓으시오. (힌트 회화책에 나왔음)




'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

택시 타고 산부인과 가는 길  (0) 2018.01.04
색시 모놀로그  (0) 2018.01.03
각질제거가 필요해  (0) 2018.01.02
빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
Posted by 이성윤

[택시 타고 산부인과 가는 길]


민: 아란태산부인과 가는데 얼마나 걸리지? 오전 10시로 예약했어.

성: 택시타고 가면, 20분 정도 걸릴거야

민: 서둘러야 겠다 안그러면 늦겠어!

성: 걱정마~

민: 팀장님께 좀 늦는다고 말씀 드렸어?

성: 응~ 문자드렸어.



성: 양남 사거리쪽으로 가주세요

택시기사님 : 네~

성:  사거리에서 좌회전 해주세요

성: 신호등 앞에서 세워주시겠어요?

택시 기사님: 네, 다왔습니다.



M: How long does it take to go to Arante women's hospital? I made an appointment at 10 am.

S : if we go by taxi, It'll probably takes 20 minutes.

M: Hurry up , or we'll be late!

S: No worries

M: Did you tell your boss that you were going to be late to work?

S:  Yeah, I've texted him


(in a taxi)

S: Take me to Yangnam intersection, please.

taxi driver : Sure.

S: Please, make a left(=turn left) at the intersection.

S: Could you let me out at the next traffic light?

taxi driver : All right, here we are.


* take sb to 장소 :  ~를 ~로 데려가다라는 표현으로 많이 쓰는 패턴임!  

* go by taxi 택시로 가다.

  make an appointment 병원 예약하다.

  (make a reservation 식당예약하다.)


'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

숙면을 취해야해요  (0) 2018.01.08
색시 모놀로그  (0) 2018.01.03
각질제거가 필요해  (0) 2018.01.02
빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
Posted by 이성윤



신랑은 어젯밤 매우 바빴다.

청소기를 돌리고, 바닥도 닦고....

그리고 나서는 화장실 변기까지 소독했다...


출산 예정일이 3개월 정도 남았네...

신랑에게 너무 고마운게 많다. 사랑해요







My hubby was very busy last night.

He vacuumed the floor and then mopped the floor.... 

After doing it, he even disinfected a toilet....


My baby due is about 3 month away..

I can't thank you enough..  love you




* vacuum 청소기 돌리다.

* mop the floor 바닥을 닦다.

* disinfect a toilet 화장실변기를 소독 하다.




'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

숙면을 취해야해요  (0) 2018.01.08
택시 타고 산부인과 가는 길  (0) 2018.01.04
각질제거가 필요해  (0) 2018.01.02
빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
Posted by 이성윤

[각질제거가 필요해]


성: 여보 저녁먹으러 나갈 준비 되었어?

민: 아직, 나 머리 하는 중이에요

    여보~얼굴에 각질이 일어났어! 각질제거좀 해야겠다.

성: 각질제거제가 없는데...

민: 그래? 저녁먹고 화장품 가게다녀오자




[신랑에게 사준 각질 제거제 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ]



S: Honey, are you ready to go out for dinner?

M: Not yet, I'm doing my hair now.

    Oh~ Honey! You have dry, flanky skin now.

    I think you need to peel the dead skin off on your face (=exfoliate your skin on face)

S: I don't have a peeling gel.....

M: Really? Let's go to a cosmetic store after dinner.




* do one's hair

  ex) I did my hair yesterday. 나 어제 머리했어.


* peel the dead skin off 각질 제거를 하다.

  exfoliate 각질제거를 하다.

  peeling gel 각질 제거제

  flanky 각질이 일어난


부부영어회화 ^0^

다이얼로그는 우리가 실제로 한 대화를 바탕으로 만들고 있어요 ㅎㅎ

'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

택시 타고 산부인과 가는 길  (0) 2018.01.04
색시 모놀로그  (0) 2018.01.03
빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
코감기에 걸린 신랑  (1) 2017.12.27
Posted by 이성윤

늘 빨래를 널어주는 자상한 신랑이에요. 떡볶이를 먹고 나니 언제가서 빨래를 널고 있네요?

그래서 그런 신랑을 위해 전 다이얼로그를 만들었어요.


[빨래를 널어주는 신랑]


민 : 여보! 뭐해요?

성:  지금 빨래를 막 널려던 참이야.

민:  언제 빨래를 했어? 최고 남편이구먼!

     내가 빨래 개는거 도와줄까?







M: Honey! What are you doing?


S: I'm about to hang out the laundry on a dry rack.

M: When did you do the laundry? You are the best husband!


    Can I help you fold the laundry? (or Do you want me to help?)  





* 빨래하다 - do the laundry

* 빨래를 건조대에 널다 - hang out the laundry on a dry rack.

* 빨래를 개다 - fold the laundry

'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

색시 모놀로그  (0) 2018.01.03
각질제거가 필요해  (0) 2018.01.02
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
코감기에 걸린 신랑  (1) 2017.12.27
매드포 갈릭에 가다  (0) 2017.12.27
Posted by 이성윤

[떡볶이를 사다준 신랑]


퇴근길엔 항상 뭐 필요한거 없냐고 물어보는 신랑. 그런 신랑을 위한 다이얼로그



성: 색시, 가는길에 뭐 좀 사다줄까?

민: 나 저녁을 아직 안먹었어. 떡복이좀 사다줄래요?

성: 그래! 다른건?

민: 순대랑 오뎅도

성: 알겠어







S: Honey, can I get you anything on my way home?

M : I haven't had dinner yet. Can you buy me 떡볶이?

S: All right. anything else?

M: I want to eat 순대 and 오뎅 too.

S: Got it!

'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

각질제거가 필요해  (0) 2018.01.02
빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
코감기에 걸린 신랑  (1) 2017.12.27
매드포 갈릭에 가다  (0) 2017.12.27
영화데이트 -3-  (0) 2017.12.26
Posted by 이성윤

[코감기에 걸린 신랑]


성 : 오늘 컨디션이 안좋네. 콧물이 나

민 : 코를 좀 풀어봐!

성 : 내가 5분전에 콧물 닦아낸거 몰라?

민:  닦는거 말고 풀으라고 ㅋㅋㅋ

성:  이를 좀 닦아야 겠어!

민:  여보, 입이랑 코도 물로 헹궈봐!




[코푸는 사진은 없고, 코나왔을 때 사진으로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ]  





S: I'm not feeling well today. I have a runny nose.

M: You need to blow your nose!

S : Didn't you notice that I wiped my runny nose?

M : just blow your nose hard instead of wiping it!!

S: I think I need to brush my teeth !

M: honey! Rinse your mouth and nose with water!



* blow one's nose 코를 풀다

* wipe one's runny nose  콧물을 닦다.

* rinse one's mouth with water 입을 물로 헹구다

'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

빨래를 널어주는 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
매드포 갈릭에 가다  (0) 2017.12.27
영화데이트 -3-  (0) 2017.12.26
영화데이트 -2-  (0) 2017.12.25
Posted by 이성윤

[매드포 갈릭에 가다] - review용-




(직원) : 주문하시겠습니까?

민 : 갈릭 스노윙 피자랑, 갈릭페뇨 파스타, 그리고 오렌지 에이드 두 잔 주세요.

성 : 아 그리고 이 온라인 쿠폰 쓸거에요


민: 스파게티는 진짜 여기가 제일 맛있어!!

성: 나도 그렇게 생각해

    여기 물티슈랑 피클좀 더 주시겠어요?






(직원) : Can I take your order? (=are you ready to order? )

민 : I would like Garlic Snowing Pizza, Garlicpeno pasta and two orangeades.

성 : and I will use this online coupon.


민: Nothing beats this place for the pasta!

성: I agree with you!

    Can I have the wet tissue and pickles?




'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

떡볶이를 사다준 신랑  (0) 2017.12.28
코감기에 걸린 신랑  (1) 2017.12.27
영화데이트 -3-  (0) 2017.12.26
영화데이트 -2-  (0) 2017.12.25
영화 데이트 -1-  (0) 2017.12.25
Posted by 이성윤

[영화 데이트]3


[영화관에 도착해서]


성: 팝콘이랑 음료수 먹을래?

민: 그래~ 콜라는 여기 콜라가 제일 맛있는거 같아 ㅋㅋ

성: 저기서 줄서서 사야하나봐

(직원): 주문하시겠어요?

민: 콜라두개랑 팝콘 작은거요

(직원): 그렇게 주문하시는거는 세트메뉴 시키시는거랑 차이가 없어요

민: 무슨 말이죠?

(직원): 세트메뉴 팝콘은 '대'사이즈인데, 가격이 같거든요

민: 아 그럼 팝콘세트메뉴로 주세요.


성: 영화곧시작하겠다. 들어가자

민: 어 나 화장실좀 다녀올게. 팝콘좀 들고있어줘

성: 응 여기서 기다릴게




S: Do you want some popcorn or drinks?

M: Sure. Nothing beats this place for Coke!

S: We have to wait in line over there.

(직원): Can I take your order?

M: I would like two cokes and small size popcorn.

(직원): It makes no difference whether you order small size or not.

M: What do you mean?

(직원): The price is the same with this set menu including large size popcorn.

M: Ah~Ok, I'll have a set menu!


S: The movie is about to start! Let's get in!

M: Nature calls me. Please hold this popcorn.

S: Ok, I'll wait here


'엄마의 영어 > Dialogues for my hubby' 카테고리의 다른 글

코감기에 걸린 신랑  (1) 2017.12.27
매드포 갈릭에 가다  (0) 2017.12.27
영화데이트 -2-  (0) 2017.12.25
영화 데이트 -1-  (0) 2017.12.25
서가앤쿡에 다녀왔어요 -1-  (0) 2017.12.22
Posted by 이성윤